Wicher Site Admin
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:37 pm Post subject: |
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Before asking questions about Statistics mod, be sure to have the latest version installed. Otherwise i might be looking for bugs that are long gone.
Quote: |
If you have now statistics 215 installed you have to uninstall that first before installing beta301.
Here is a link to the 215 mod:
Download statistics215.zip
There is a little program included for uninstalling it from the database.
For uninstalling it from your phpbb files please follow the 215 mod instructions in revers order.
After you completed the uninstall, you can proceed with the install of statistics_mod_v4.x.x
Quote: |
There are still people that dont know what uninstalling a mod means, uninstalling a mod means undo all changes made by a mod.
Most ask is this:
After installing it I get the following error in statistcs.php
Quote: |
Unable to get module informations
SQL Error : 1146 Table 'gremminger_se.phpbb_stats_modules' doesn't exist
SELECT * FROM phpbb_stats_modules WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY module_order ASC
Line : 108
File : stat_functions.php
Please dont ask this anymore and do the folowing:
Code: |
- #
- #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
- #
- includes/constants.php
- #
- #-----[ FIND and DELETE ]------------------------------------------
- #
- define('MODULES_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'stats_modules');
- define('STATS_CONFIG_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'stats_config');
This build includes many fixes and installer fix
Fixes done by Wicher and installer fixed by danb00
This download works probably also with Categories hierarchy - 2.1.4 (make backups)
Download statistics_mod_v4.2.9.zip
Can be installed with easymod.
Before you install this version be sure to completely uninstall any previous versions of the statistics mod if your old version is older then 4.1.2.
Download updates-4.2.5_to_4.2.9.zip
Quote: |
If you encounter write permission problems with your host you can try this:
Download this zip:
Unzip it to root/modules and upload all to your server.
After upload you have to chmod:
root/modules 777
root/modules/ALL_DIRECTORIES 777
root/modules/ALL_DIRECTORIES/module.php 777
root/modules/language/ALL_LANGDIRS 777
root/modules/language/ALL_LANGDIRS/lang_modules.php 777
root/modules/cache/explain 777
root/modules/cache/templates 777
root/modules/cache/templates/subSilver 777 (if you use a different template, create a folder for that and chmod it 777 and copy the content from subSilver into it)
root/modules/cache/templates/subSilver/All Content 777
Also create modules/cache/temp.pak and chmod it to 777
Now reinstall statisticsmod 4.2.9
Dont delete any files you allready copied to your server from statistics mod, in any case dont delete the folder modules, or you would have to chmod it all again.
If you allready tried install/install_statistics.php then first execute statsmod301-429_uninst_db.php to be sure you dont get errors during re-installing.
[Available Modules]
These Modules are put in a nicer jacket (assisted by John Hjorth)
All paks contain now English, Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish.
Below modules are available and are included in statistics_mod_v4.2.9.
You can download then separetly here, unzip them in modules/pakfiles and install them via the ACP.
Below paks are available for download.
I will no longer create any updates for any module, nor will i create new ones.
When reinstalling / editting a module, be sure to clear the cache for that module so changes will take immediate effect.
--- (requires Attachment mod, http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=74505)
--- (requires Ignore Users Mod, http://www.phpbbhacks.com/download/789)
--- (requires Fully Integrated Shoutbox, http://www.phpbbhacks.com/download/1255)
--- (requires Last Visit Mod, http://www.phpbbhacks.com/download/237)
advancedkarma.pak (Only works properly with BETA3t or higher installed)
--- (requires Advanced Karma Mod: http://siava.ru/forum-old/topic168.html)]
cashmod.pak --- (requires Cash Mod 2.2.3: http://xore.ca/blog/projects/cashmod/)
genders.pak --- (requires Gender Mod 1.2.8: http://phpbbhacks.com/download/182)
genders_evil.pak --- (requires Gender Mod (from Evil http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=467168)
posts_by_gender_evil.pak --- (requires Gender Mod (from Evil http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=467168)
posts_by_gender_niels.pak --- (requires Gender Mod 1.2.8: http://phpbbhacks.com/download/182)
top_countries_ipcountryflags.pak (requires IpCountryFlags: http://ipcf.io3di.com)
age_statistics.pak --- (requires Birthday Hack: http://www.phpbbhacks.com/viewhack.php?id=187)
age_statistics_terrafrost.pak --- (requires Birthdays from TerraFrost: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=342028)
// below modules require 'Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2' (http://www.phpbb-arcade.com/download.php?id=421)
Below modules require Full Album Pack 1.4.0 (http://www.mightygorgon.com/viewforum.php?f=682) or Smartor Photo Album (http://smartor.is-root.com/viewforum.php?f=7)
// below modules require Activity Mod Plus_v1.1.0
(below are not yet included in the latest version of statistics mod)
[Bar Graphics]
For those people that have templates that dont have the bargraphics:
Upload these 3 images into the templates/YOURTEMPLATE/images folder
Quote: |
For anyone who think they can do a better job with one or more of the modules, feel free to try.
If you need the original mod with original modules, here is a link to it:
Please post your, better, version of the modules here.
Code: |
- #################################################################
- ## MOD History:
- ##
- ## 2008-07-29 - Version 4.2.9
- ## - Reorganized the mod for better working with free hosts.
- ## - Removed the Available updates page from admin panel because i will not be
- ## creating any new module updates and free hosts dont like curl or allow_url_open functions.
- ## - Added secondary install_statistics.php for those who cannot create or chmod folders and files trough php.
- ## 2007-07-09 - Version 4.2.8
- ## - Downloadlink for updates for modules on module manage page..
- ## 2007-07-08 - Version 4.2.7
- ## - fixed a few issues with the lang CP.
- ## 2007-07-07 - Version 4.2.6
- ## - fixed a number of issues that would cause phpbb not to approve this mod.
- ## - Submitted to phpbb.com for approval again
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.2.5
- ## - Less higher td's in statistics page.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.2.4
- ## - Due to relocation of my modforum some code in some files was altered.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.2.3
- ## - Little cosmetic changes in Available Updates page.
- ## - Added possibility to display only Statistics Overview module on the statistics page.
- ## When clicking on a modulelink in Statistics Overview it then
- ## displayes Statistics Overview module plus the one you clicked on.
- ## - Updated Statistics Overview module, which is needed for correct working of the above add.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.2.2
- ## - fixes in admin_statistics_updates.php and statistics_admin_index_check.php
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.2.1
- ## - fixes in admin_statistics_updates.php and statistics_admin_index_check.php
- ## for those who dont have remote file open permissions (allow_url_open or CURL)
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.2.0
- ## - fixes in top_words.pak
- ## - fixes in most_logged_on_users.pak
- ## - fixes in genders.pak
- ## - fixes in genders_evil.pak
- ## - Changed available updates page
- ## - added posts_by_gender_evil.pak
- ## - added posts_by_gender_niels.pak
- ## - added top_countries_ipcountryflags.pak
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.1.9
- ## - Added CURL support for those who have an host like Dreamhost
- ## - Fixes in admin_edit_module.php.
- ## - Fixes in admin_statistics.php.
- ## - Fixes in download_lang.php.
- ## - Updated top_words.pak.
- ## - Updated least_interesting_topic.pak
- ## - Updated most_interesting_topic.pak
- ## - Added most_least_interesting_topics.pak
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.1.8
- ## - Fixed some stuff in updates page.
- ## - Will now tell admin on admin index if there are statistics updates available..
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.1.7
- ## - Added most active forums module.
- ## - Added new page in ACP where you can see if there are any updates available.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.1.6
- ## - Did some recoding in the Album modules, they where after all not ready for Smartors Photo Album.
- ## They now are compatible with Smartors Photo Album AND Full Album Pack.
- ## - Also fixed little bugs in core.php and lang_functions.php
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.1.5
- ## - Took bug out statistics_index.php.
- ## - Added back to top link
- ## - Updated 12 modules
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.1.4
- ## - Added 7 modules for Smartor Photo Album.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.1.3
- ## - Fixed bug with index block.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.1.2
- ## - Added option to display one module at admins choice on the index.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.1.1
- ## - Changed version numbering.
- ## - Fixed activity arcade modules.
- ## - Changed chmod-ding stuff.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.0.1f
- ## - Changed minor issues in both gender modules.
- ## - Changed minor issues in last_online.pak
- ## - Updated some modules.
- ## - Updated install/install_statistics.php, it was'nt checking for exiting mod for module lastonline.
- ## - Updated install.txt, forgot a copy line.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.0.1e
- ## - Changed minor issues in last_online.pak
- ## - Fixed bug in install/install_statistics.php
- ## gender modules where not installed correct.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.0.1d
- ## - Changed minor issues in both gender modules.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.0.1c
- ## - Thanks to MarieMM i took out of 7 modules a bug (again).
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.0.1b
- ## - Added pak module genders_evil.pak submitted by Evil>3 (requires Evil's 'Gender Mod' http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=467168)
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.0.1a
- ## - Thanks to MarieMM i took out of 7 modules a bug.
- ## - Thanks to kber its now clear what files to edit.
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.0.1
- ## - Took several bugs out some modules
- ## - Added 5 Activity / Arcade Modules (require Arcade_MOD_v2.1.2: http://www.phpbb-arcade.com/download.php?id=421)
- ## ????-??-?? - V4.0.0 - Final ( i hope) [Oke, that was to much to ask...]
- ## - Submitted to phpbb.com for approval
- ## - Ruled out touch in template.php because of certain permissions on several servers.
- ## - Added cashmod.pak
- ## - Added genders.pak
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.u (Wicher)
- ## - New translation language/lang_german/lang_admin_statistics.php by JonnyBoy4000.
- ## - Took out all referals to http://www.opentools.de out the modules
- ## because acyd burn is no longer supporting this mod. (should have done that some time ago)
- ## - Removed admin_mod_package.php
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.t (Wicher)
- ## - Made table for [extra_info] LONGTEXT so it can contain more text.
- ## - Added Statistics header link in lang_main.php
- ## - Added better error controle, now its clear wich module has invalid functioncalls (if they do).
- ## - Added module most_logged_on_users.pak
- ## - Took bug out last_online.pak
- ## - Took bug out most_ignored_users.pak
- ## - Added advancedkarma.pak (requires Advanced Karma Mod: http://siava.ru/forum/topic168.html)
- ## - Changed a few things in admin/download_lang.php
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.s (Wicher)
- ## - Changed some stuff in install/install_statistics.php.
- ## - When uninstalling with statsmod301_uninst_db.php, not only the statistics tables will be deleted
- ## but also, if you installed statistics mod with easymod, from the history of easymod.
- ## That way it will be possible to re-install the same statistics version again with easymod.
- ## - Changed some minor things in private_message.pak (better english language by Darth Pincho)
- ## - Added lang_spanish.pak, translation from Darth Pincho.
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.r (Wicher)
- ## - Took a bug out stats_mod/includes/lang_functions.php
- ## -- When your boardlanguage does not exist (yet) within statistics mod it will now go with english language.
- ## - Took bug out admin_edit_module.php, there where lang_xxx paks in select box.
- ## - Added forgotten language variable in private_messages.pak
- ## - Took bug out last_created_posts.pak and last_created_topics.pak.
- ## -- Did not display the date.
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.q (Wicher)
- ## - Took a bug out Language CP, selectbox did not work..
- ## - included lang_english.pak for those who want to translate into there own language.
- ## -- Please submit your completed language pakfile to this topic or send it in a PB to Wicher at phpbb.com.
- ## - took bug out install.txt, dutch and german languages where english installed.
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.p (Wicher)
- ## - No more need to edit common.php first anymore.
- ## - Removed unset_dbpasswd.txt since that is not needed anymore.
- ## - All modules and database are now automatic installed by executing install_statistics.php
- ## - Added statsmod301_uninst_db.php for any one that, for any reason, wants to uninstall Statistics Mod 3.0.1xx
- ## Statistic files still have to be deleted by hand. I dont know if that will be added in the future.
- ## - Added top_shoutbox_poster.pak
- ## - Added fastest_users.pak
- ## - Added top_languages.pak (by MJ from www.phpbbfm.net) (thanks to John Hjorth for submitting)
- ## - Added top_styles.pak (by MJ from www.phpbbfm.net) (thanks to John Hjorth for submitting)
- ## - Included danish language (by John Hjorth) in fastest users.pak
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.o (Wicher)
- ## - Language CP is online!!
- ## - Added German language files.
- ## - Added Dutch language files.
- ## - Added a few language variables.
- ## - Added German language to a few modules (forgot earlier)
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.n (Wicher)
- ## - Took bug out core.php
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.m (Wicher)
- ## - Added files for Artemis style, can i believe be used for several styles that make use of the eXtreme Styles mod.
- ## - Such styles can be found at http://www.phpbbstyles.com/ as well as the eXtreme Styles mod.
- ## - Files for Artemis are in the Contrib folder.
- ## - Added private_messages.pak
- ## - Changes in:
- ## --- Stats_Mod/core.php
- ## --- language/lang_english/lang_statistics.php
- ## --- templates/statistics.tpl
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.l (Wicher)
- ## - Added last_created_posts.pak and last_created_topics.pak
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.k (Wicher)
- ## - Took out a bug in functions.php, something to do with auth permissions. (thanks to Vampy)
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.j (Wicher)
- ## - Added most_ignored_users.pak.
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.i (Wicher)
- ## - Added link to statistics in ACP.
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.h (Wicher)
- ## - Took out language CP (admin_stats_lang.php) because it has still bugs in it.
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.g (Wicher)
- ## - Code changes in:
- ## most_active_topics.pak
- ## most_interesting_topics.pak
- ## least_interesting_topics.pak
- ## most_viewed_topics.pak
- ## most_active_polls.pak
- ## top_attachments.pak
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.f (Wicher)
- ## - Added stat_make_pak.tpl and admin_mod_package.php (not sure if there are bugs in that)
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.e (Wicher)
- ## - Fixed theme select
- ## - Fixed some other bugs so it will now work oke on Categories hierarchy - 2.1.4.
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.d (Wicher)
- ## - Fixed install in overall_header.tpl if installed on Categories hierarchy - 2.1.4
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.c (Wicher)
- ## - Fixed version check in top_attachments.pak
- ## - Fixed Debug line, now only visible by admin
- ## - Changed .htaccess otherwise Explain link would not work
- ## - Added 7 more pak files
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.b (Danb00)
- ## - Fixed the installer as in some cases it would cause a debug install error
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.1 - BETA 3.a (Wicher)
- ## - editted the files and rezipped the mod to be compatible with phpbb 2.0.19
- ## - added dutch language to the pak files.
- ## ????-??-?? - V3.0.0 - BETA 3 (Acid Burn)
- ## - added a new Module (statistics overview)
- ## - partly finished the Language Control Panel
- ## - fixed a bunch of bugs
- ## - decreased generation times (only noticable for some of you)
- ##
- #################################################################
Quote: |
After updating to 4.2.9 you might need to clear the cache.
There for go to ACP / Statistics / Configuration
Then vink the following option:
Quote: |
Clear Cache
Clear all the current cached data for all modules and content templates. |
And click OK.
FF users might see
At the top of the statistics page.
Then do the following:
Code: |
- #
- # OPEN
- #
- templates/subSilver/statistics.tpl
- #
- #
- <!-- --cached: {modules.CACHED}<br /> --reloaded: {modules.RELOADED}<br /> -->
When your statistics page shows no statistics, then maybe this post can help:
http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=4141165#p4141165 _________________
Wicher's phpBB2 Mods | Wicher's phpBB3 Mods | Statistics Mod 4.x.x
Last edited by Wicher on Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:51 pm; edited 77 times in total |