Wicher Site Admin
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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:19 pm Post subject: |
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Code: |
- ##############################################################
- ## MOD Title: permissions_in_forum_management
- ## MOD Author: Wicher < N/A > (Wicher) http://www.wichersmods.nl.modforum
- ## MOD Description: Creates a link "Permissions" in ACP/Forum Admin/Management after each forum.
- ## MOD Version: 1.0.0
- ##
- ## Installation Level: (Easy)
- ## Installation Time: 10 Minutes
- ## Files To Edit: admin/admin_forums.php,
- ## templates/subSilver/admin/forum_admin_body.tpl,
- ## Included Files: (N/A)
- ## License: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU General Public License v2
- ##############################################################
- ## For security purposes, please check: http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
- ## for the latest version of this MOD. Although MODs are checked
- ## before being allowed in the MODs Database there is no guarantee
- ## that there are no security problems within the MOD. No support
- ## will be given for MODs not found within the MODs Database which
- ## can be found at http://www.phpbb.com/mods/
- ##############################################################
- ## Author Notes: (N/A)
- ##
- ##############################################################
- ## MOD History:
- ##
- ## 2006-08-17 - Version 1.0.0
- ## - One time release
- ##
- ##############################################################
- ## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
- ##############################################################
- #
- #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
- #
- admin/admin_forums.php
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- 'L_RESYNC' => $lang['Resync'])
- #
- #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
- #
- 'L_FORUMPERMISSION' => $lang['Permissions'],
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- 'U_FORUM_RESYNC' => append_sid("admin_forums.$phpEx?mode=forum_sync&" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id"))
- #
- #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
- #
- 'U_FORUMPERMISSION' => append_sid("admin_forumauth.$phpEx?" .POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id"),
- #
- #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
- #
- templates/subSilver/admin/forum_admin_body.tpl
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- <th class="thHead" colspan="7">{L_FORUM_TITLE}</th>
- #
- #-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- colspan="7"
- #
- #-----[ IN-LINE REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
- #
- colspan="8"
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- <td class="catRight" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"> </span></td>
- #
- #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
- #
- <td class="cat" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"> </span></td>
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- <td class="row2" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><a href="{catrow.forumrow.U_FORUM_RESYNC}">{L_RESYNC}</a></span></td>
- #
- #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
- #
- <td class="row2" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><a href="{catrow.forumrow.U_FORUMPERMISSION}">{L_FORUMPERMISSION}</a></span></td>
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- <td colspan="7" class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" name="{catrow.S_ADD_FORUM_NAME}" /> <input type="submit" class="liteoption" name="{catrow.S_ADD_FORUM_SUBMIT}" value="{L_CREATE_FORUM}" /></td>
- #
- #-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- colspan="7"
- #
- #-----[ IN-LINE REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
- #
- colspan="8"
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- <td colspan="7" height="1" class="spaceRow"><img src="../templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1" /></td>
- #
- #-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- colspan="7"
- #
- #-----[ IN-LINE REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
- #
- colspan="8"
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- <td colspan="7" class="catBottom"><input class="post" type="text" name="categoryname" /> <input type="submit" class="liteoption" name="addcategory" value="{L_CREATE_CATEGORY}" /></td>
- #
- #-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- colspan="7"
- #
- #-----[ IN-LINE REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
- #
- colspan="8"
- #
- #-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
- #
- # EoM
For those who have simple subforums installed there is one more edit to do:
Code: |
- #
- #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
- #
- admin/admin_forums.php
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- 'U_FORUM_RESYNC' => append_sid("admin_forums.$phpEx?mode=forum_sync&" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id2"))
- #
- #-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
- #
- 'U_FORUMPERMISSION' => append_sid("admin_forumauth.$phpEx?" .POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id2"),
- #
- #-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
- #
- # EoM
Wicher's phpBB2 Mods | Wicher's phpBB3 Mods | Statistics Mod 4.x.x
Last edited by Wicher on Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:00 pm; edited 1 time in total |