Wicher Site Admin
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Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:15 pm Post subject: |
*Delete this user
Items with prefix * are permanent. | Close |
Full mod is attached as download.
See Signature below this post for example.
If you want additional items to display in your signature, please take a look at this post:
Code: |
- ##############################################################
- ## MOD Title: Dynamic_Signature_PhpBB
- ## MOD Author: wicher <http://www.wichersmods.nl>
- ##
- ##
- ## MOD Description: Dynamic phpBB Signature, a great way to promote your forums.
- ##
- ## MOD Version: 2.0.0
- ##
- ## Installation Level: Easy
- ## Installation Time: 1 Minutes
- ## Files To Edit: Signature/signaturephpbb.php
- ## language/lang_english/lang_main.php
- ## Included Files: .htaccess, signatureback.png, signaturephpbb.php, signaturephpbb.png
- ##############################################################
- ## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.phpbbhacks.com for the
- ## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
- ## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
- ## in our MOD-Database, located at: http://www.phpbbhacks.com
- ##############################################################
- ## MOD History:
- ##
- ## 2006-Jan-31 - 2.0.0
- ## - added prefix support
- ##
- ## 2006-Jan-31 - 1.0.0
- ## - First release
- ##
- ##############################################################
- ## How to use:
- ## Go to your profile at any phpBB board and type the following in as your signature:
- ## [ur=http://www.YOURDOMAIN/FOLDER_WHERE_PHPBB_IS][img]http://www.YOURDOMAIN/FOLDER_WHERE_PHPBB_IS/Signature/signaturephpbb.png[/img][/url]
- ## Now your signature will be displayed under your messages with a link to your board.
- ##############################################################
- ## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
- ##############################################################
- #
- #-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------
- #
- Signature/*.* to Signature/*.*
- #
- #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
- #
- Signature/signaturephpbb.php
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- # Nothing to find, just edit the file. There are commentlines that tell you what to do.
- # Save the signaturephpbb.php as signaturephpbb.png
- #
- #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
- # Do this for all languages you have
- language/lang_english/lang_main.php
- #
- #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
- #
- //
- // That's all Folks!
- // -------------------------------------------------
- #
- #-----[ ADD, BEFORE ]------------------------------------------
- #
- // Sigphpbb
- $lang['SigphpBB_Users'] = ' Users';
- $lang['SigphpBB_Topics'] = ' Topics';
- $lang['SigphpBB_Posts'] = ' Posts';
- $lang['SigphpBB_Newest'] = 'Newest User';
- $lang['SigphpBB_Attachments'] = ' Attachments';
- $lang['SigphpBB_Chat'] = 'Chatter';
- $lang['SigphpBB_Chatters'] = 'Chatters';
- $lang['SigphpBB_Logged'] = ' Logged In and ';
- $lang['SigphpBB_guest'] = ' Guest';
- $lang['SigphpBB_guests'] = ' Guests';
- $lang['SigphpBB_Catagories'] = ' Catagories';
- $lang['SigphpBB_In'] = ' in ';
- #
- #-----[ CREATE ]------------------------------------------
- # Create a signatureback.png image with dimensions that you see fit.
- # The example signatureback.png is 468x60pixels, the width and heigth of a standard banner.
- #
- #-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
- #
- # EoM
Quote: |
It can happen the htaccess file is not working for you.
If you call opun the signaturephpbb.png file and get only a page full of code, you might wanna try this .htaccess file:
Code: |
- <FilesMatch "^.*\.png">
- SetHandler x-httpd-php
- </FilesMatch>
Wicher's phpBB2 Mods | Wicher's phpBB3 Mods | Statistics Mod 4.x.x
Last edited by Wicher on Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:22 pm; edited 6 times in total |